Trademark Registration

I、Instructions for Trademark Registration Application:

Natural person、legal person or other organizations, who needs to acquire the exclusive trademark rights for the goods they produced、manufactured、processed、picked or distributed and the services they provided, shall, in accordance with laws, make an application to the Trademark Office of the State Administration of Industry and Commerce of China (hereinafter refer to as Trademark Office).

II、We need the following materials:

a、The Application Form for the Trademark Registration;

b、Power of Attorney

c、Subject Qualification Documents;

d、Trademark Samples;

e、 Goods or services.

IIITime required: about one and a half years

IVThe natural person who applies for the trademark registration should pay attention to the following items:

i、individual business could make the trademark registration application not only in the name of the registered business name on the Individual Business License, but also in the name of the person, who is in charge, stated on the license. The copies of the following materials should be submitted while the applicant applies in the name of the person who is in charge:

①ID of the person in charge;

②Business License.

ii、Rural contracting households can apply for trademark registration in the name of a party to the contract. The copies of the following materials shall be submitted:

①ID card of the party to the contract;

②contracts for undertaking agricultural projects.

iii、Other natural person legally permitted to engage in the business operation can make the trademark registration application in the name of operator written on the registration document issued by the relevant administrative authority. The copies of the following materials shall be sumitted:

①ID card of the operator;

②the registration document issued by relevant administrative authority.

iv、The scope of the goods and services of which the natural person applied for the trademark registration shall be limited within the business scope approved on the business license or other relevant registration documents, or within the agricultural products produced by it.

v、The Trademark Office shall not accept the trademark registration application which does not conform to the provisions of Article 4 of Trademark Law.

The Trademark Office shall revoke the registered trademark as long as the applicant obtained the trademark registration with false materials.

 Please note: if the registration trademark applied is a human portrait, a notarized declaration that the portrait people agrees on the portrait to be registered as trademark shall be filed.